+94 76 135 5179
2A , 4/2 , Lake Drive,
Colombo 08, Sri Lanka.
8:00AM - 6:00PM
Monday to Friday
Online 24/7
+94 76 135 5179

Àkura Audit Facilities

An Easy way to Manage Audit Facilities
Àkura can audit the system and maintain records with the date, time of change and the username.
    Àkura software can audit the system and maintain a record of term mark entry & SMS with the date, time of change and the username. School administrators have the ability to view the “audit log entry”. The system can track the changes to the data, and it is a mandatory feature that cannot be turned-off.
  • Any changes or deletion to an item after the final confirmation (Term marks/SMS sending).
  • Data synchronization
  • Creation of a new entry
  • Data capturing
  • Status change and control
  • Data Retrieval, and data monitoring